Photography can tell a compelling story when executed well. photo-based’ is a curation of digital works by 20 artists collected on-chain, on Solana.

Photography was one of my first loves and introductions into the world of light captured on 35mm film. From the age of 15, all I wanted to do was to take photos. I saved up to buy my first Camera, an SLR, a Pentax K1000. It cost $250 and ever since I’ve been taking photos of everything, playing around and pushing compositions. I got an enlarger and started developing B&W prints, making photograms, and testing developer agents in my makeshift darkroom, my parent’s laundry. I happened to win my first art prize at my secondary school’s photo comp, a close up of a moth on a picket fence. That was in 1976. And since then I’ve been hooked on seeing the world visually.

I love the way that photomedia can convey a compelling story through light, colour, contrast and composition. When conceived and executed well it can present worlds that can take you to the serious and the sublime, macro and micro, distorted and ridiculous, to the whimsical and fantastical.

In this light I wanted to share my select collection of photo-based works by 20 artists on Solana. Whether created in digital, analogue or manipulated hybrid forms, I feel that these works encapsulate a unique view of the world.

Featured artists include:

@kirkenglehardt @MrDavidTiong @lowbrownative @EMCN13 @superjimmer @glenmadden_ @MayneDucky @lollygagdesign @najshukor @JamesMellor @JeroenV78, @LIGHTS_artist @notyourbdayy @hersoid @destroyxstairs @UDntKnwWhoWeAre @artpardini @hacs @sakehqueen

Collected by artcons9. See the collection here

above image: Constantine Nicholas, ‘after burn – blue’ (detail view) photomedia, 2022


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